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Hip Replacement Surgery

Total Hip Replacement

hip-osteoarthritisWhen medication, physical therapy and other conservative methods of treatment no longer relieve pain, total hip replacement may be recommended. Total hip replacement helps relieve pain and allows patients to perform some activities that may have been limited due to hip pain. More than lakhs of people world wide annually undergo hip replacement surgery to relieve pain and stiffness and restore mobility. Total hip replacement is the replacement of the ball and socket of the hip joint with implants.

There are two main components used in total hip replacement. The acetabular shell replaces the hip socket. The femoral stem replaces the worn-out top of the femur. These components may be made of any number of materials, including metal, ceramic and/or polyethylene (medicalgrade plastic). During surgery, the head of the femur (thigh bone) is removed and replaced with both a stem and socket, mimicking your existing anatomy.


Understanding the source of your pain is important when researching your treatment options. First, identify if your joint pain is mild, moderate or severe and what treatment options are available at each of these stages of joint pain. Choose your affected joint from the menu on the left for joint specific information.

The pain and discomfort of mild joint pain can become something you learn to deal with everyday. Investigation must be made for the possible causes of your joint pain and some of the treatment options available for joint pain sufferers.

When non-surgical treatment options no longer address your joint /hip pain, it may be time to consider other pain relief alternatives. It is needed to familiarize you with surgical treatment options available, as well as helping you decide if joint replacement surgery is the right option for you.

If the decision has been made by you and your surgeon to have joint/hip replacement surgery, there is a lot you can do to prepare for your surgery and your recovery.

Dr Santosh KumarTo prepare yourself for surgery, you may be asked to do a number of things, including lose weight and/or stop smoking (if applicable). It is essential that you tell your surgeon about any medications or supplements you are taking. Bring a list of all medications and dosages, including over-the-counter medicines. Your doctor may want you to donate your own blood ahead of time for a possible transfusion during surgery. It is normal to feel pain and discomfort after surgery. Be sure to let the nurse know if you are in pain. The usual hospital stay for hip replacement is three to five days. To protect your hip, you will be asked not to sit up beyond a 90-degree angle. Whatever assistive devices you need will be provided. After 24 hours, you should begin to eat and drink regularly, according to your surgeon’s direction.

First performed in 1960, Since then, improvements in joint replacement surgical techniques and technology have greatly increased the effectiveness of this surgery. Dr.Santosh kumar does the surgery using advanced computer navigation system – Orthopilot and Advance Fully Active Cuvis robotic System

Dr. S antosh Kumar with the advanced Orthopilot System
Dr. S antosh Kumar here is seen with the advanced Orthopilot System : used in Hip Replacement surgery


The therapist will teach you how to dress, get out of bed without help and use a walker or crutches. You will continue to work to strengthen yourself in preparation for your return home. It is important for you to follow your surgeon’s directions and proper positioning techniques throughout your rehabilitation. By the time you leave the hospital, you should be progressing well in regaining your mobility and stability. When your sutures or clips have to be removed, you will be told who will remove them and where this will be done. It is not uncommon to still experience some pain. Remember that full recovery typically takes three to six months.

Home care

Just before being discharged, you will receive instructions for your at-home recovery. Once you arrive home, one of the first things you should do is call the surgeon and make an appointment for a follow-up visit. Look for any changes around your incision. Contact your surgeon if you develop any of the following

  1. Drainage and/or foul odor from the incision.
  2. Fever (temperature about 101 degrees F or 38 degrees C) for two days.
  3. Increased swelling, tenderness, redness and/or pain.


Medication/Pain control

It is normal for you to have some discomfort. You will probably receive a prescription for pain medication before you go home. If a refill is needed, please call your surgeon’s nurse at least five days before you run out of pills. Please contact your surgeon if you have increased discomfort or pain. .

Resuming activities

Since recovery is different for each person, your surgeon will inform you when you can resume activities such as returning to work and driving. You may resume sexual activity at any time as long as you keep all hip precautions in mind. It is important to be active in order to control your weight and muscle tone.

It generally takes two to three months before you can resume low-impact aerobic activities such as walking, bicycling and swimming. Jogging, high-impact aerobics and certain sports should be avoided. Although your new hip is made of very durable materials, it is subject to wear and tear. The performance of hip replacements depends on age, weight, activity level and other factors. There are potential risks, and recovery takes time. People with conditions limiting rehabilitation should not have this surgery. Only an orthopaedic surgeon can tell if hip replacement is right for you.